Tábor – Summer school 2023
10.-20. července 2023. Sv. Dobrotivá- Zaječov
Kdo byl na táboře?
Středa 19.7.2023
Today we performed our plays. They turned out great and we all enjoyed it. We had the final football and potato-ball matches. After dinner we played some more games and we ended the day with a fire. Tomorrow we’ll go home to enjoy the rest of our holidays.
Úterý 18.7.2023
On Tuesday morning we woke up and went to do excercise with Michael. We went to school and we practised our plays. After lunch we had workshops and then we played potato-ball and football. Then we had a tasty dinner and after that we played a complicated game. Some of us were woken up by Bětka and Verča who prepared the best night game of all time.
Pondělí 17.7.2023
Today, after the weekend, we went to school again and practiced for the theater. Everybody was trying their best, and so was I. After school, we had tomato soup and potatoes with fried cauliflower, and it was delicious. Then, we went to the swimming pool in Hořovice, where we spent around 3 hours. I think everybody enjoyed it. We also had ice cream there. After that, we had a small break and dinner, which was salad. Following dinner, we had to build a small bridge and correct 25 sentences if they were incorrect. These games represented Saint Thomas. Now, we are preparing for the night to sleep. I really liked this day.
A ještě videa:
Neděle 16.7.2023
Today we woke up at half past seven and then we had breakfast. After that we went on a long trip to Svatá Hora. It was very far from the monastery, near Příbram. We walked almost 25 kilometers. Now we’re looking forward to lying down in our comfortable beds.
Sobota 15.7.3023
It was Saturday today, so we didn’t go to school and had a lot of time to relax. After lunch we went to mass and then we played some sports. We ate sausages for dinner and later we visited a casino where we got a lot of points for our teams. Tomorrow we’ll go to Svatá Hora.
Pátek 14.7.2023
During our English classes we practiced the plays we want to perform on Wednesday. After lunch we had some workshops and played sports. Then we had dinner and since today was the day of St. Jacob, we prepared special hats for the Pilgrimage of Compostela. Each group got a map and we started our journeys. To end the day we lit the first fire of this year’s Summer school.
Čtvrtek 13.7.2023
Today was the day of St. John. During our English classes we prepared some props, which we will use later. After lunch we played some games with water and then we had a waterballoon fight. Later we played football and potato-ball. In the evening we went to a wedding and celebrated with the newlyweds. After the celebration some men kidnapped the bride. Hopefully we will find her tomorrow…
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Středa 12.7.2023
In the morning we were woken up by a thunderstorm. Then we had to wait until 7 am for our morning excercise to begin. After that we went to school. There we spoke about Shakespeare and his plays. After lunch we played some sports and at the end of the day we had an amazing dinner – fried cheese with potatoes. Later we played some games in our teams and we met St. Andrew, Phillip and James. It was an amazing day.
Úterý 11.7.2023
We woke up and went to do exercise together. Then we had breakfast and went to school. First we had class all together and then we were separated into two groups. We also played football and potato ball. We played games to discover apostol Peter. We also had a nice dinner and went to bed
Projekt s názvem Šablony II OP PPR pro MŠ a ZŠ sv. Augustina, reg. číslo CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/19_071/0001693 je financován z Operačního programu Praha – pól růstu ČR. Projekt rozvíjí proinkluzivní prostředí v (MŠ/ZŠ) prostřednictvím podpory dětí/žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem a aktivit zaměřených na spolupráci s rodiči dětí/žáků.
Projekt s názvem Šablony OP PPR pro MŠ a ZŠ sv. Augustina, reg. číslo CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/19_071/0001693 je financován z Operačního programu Praha – pól růstu ČR. Projekt byl realizován v období od 1. 9. 2020 do 31. 8. 2022 a byl zaměřen na rozvoj proinkluzivního prostředí v MŠ/ZŠ prostřednictvím podpory dětí/žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem a aktivit zaměřených na spolupráci s rodiči dětí/žáků. V rámci projektu byly realizovány následující aktivity: dvojjazyčný asistent, projektová výuka, stáže pedagogických pracovníků, odborně zaměřená tematická setkávání a spolupráce s rodiči dětí ve školách, komunitně osvětová setkání.
© 2020 MŠ, ZŠ a Gymnázium sv. Augustina