Výměnný pobyt 13.-19.1.2023: 9. třída v Alicante (Španělsko)

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Today we went to school and had lessons with our students. After few lessons we had English quiz with eso 3 and eso 4. Than we watched the theater. That was beautiful. After school we were with our families or with friends. In the evening we go to “jump” – that’s like jump arena, but smaller. And than to restaurant for dinner.


We have spent our day all together away from school. First, we went to Elche to visit a beautiful palm tree park and we listened to a breathtaking story about Lady of Elche. We even saw a replica of her statue. Another stop was in Huerto del Cura (a palm tree park again). We enjoyed a delicious lunch in the department store and then we were given some free time to spend some it together. Some of us got a new haircut. ??‍??We ended our day by playing bowling.



Today we woke up and went to school, where we had a lesson with out spanish friends. Then we presented our presentation for the fifth and the sixth grade. Then we went to a few lessons and after we went to get a lunch and then we watched a handball match and we went home.

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We woke up a bit later then yesterday and we went to the school to see the girls’ match. After that, the girls went home to take a shower and meanwhile we watched another match. When they came back, we went to San Juan beach where we had lunch in a restaurant. We had the traditional Spanish meal – paella. Then we went to see the beach and after that, we went to the house of one of the Spanish girls where was Ema’s birthday party. From there we went to the beach and had dinner.

Video zde

Today we woke up a little bit later, and we went to watch our friends play handball. After the match, we had lunch with our families and we had a small rest. After the rest, we went to the center of the city to eat, drink and have fun. After all of that, we returned to our families and we went to bed.

Today we had breakfest with our families and then we went to school. We had a quick school tour and then we traveled by bus to Santa Pola. We had a little tour around the town and then we borrowed paddle surfs and went to the sea. Even though it was a little windy we had really great time. After paddle surfing we went to restaurant and had a typicall lunch of Argentina. We all enjoyed our food. Then we travelled back to Alicante. Some of us were on a handball training and the others spent time with their families. After the handball practise we went to McDonald’s to have a dinner togheter.

12. 1.

Today we left from school in Prague at 7:30 to Vienna, where we arrived at around 11:45. We were checked out in the airport and then we waited for the plane. The plane left at 13:55. We flew for three hours and arrived in Spain, Alicante at 17:00. We found our way out of the airport and met our foster families for the first time. We talked for a while, took a group picture and then we went to our homes where we settled down and spent the rest of the day with the spanish families.




  • Poslední příspěvky

  • Nadcházející akce

    1. Konzultace 2. třídy

      Únor 24 @ 13:30 - Únor 25 @ 17:00
    2. Třídní schůzky 2. stupně

      Únor 25 @ 16:00 - 18:30
    3. Třídní schůzky GYMA

      Únor 26 @ 16:00 - 18:30
    4. Stáž studentů Alicante (8. třída)

      Březen 3 - Březen 10
    5. Setkání pedagogů

      Březen 3 @ 14:00 - 17:00

© 2020 MŠ, ZŠ a Gymnázium sv. Augustina