Summer school 2022: “Mendel and his visit to the monastery of Dobrotiva in 1863”

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This is our staff:

And this our teachers:

Day 10-Thursday July 21st

Today was the last day of our Summer school 2022  We finished all our activities and found the secret of Mendel in a very interested game   After dinner all the group presented some if the work They did during the Summer school and organize some games for the other groups.
Also we had a Mass to thanks for the goods days we had been together

Then we prepares everything for tomorrow because we will leave to our housenky after breakfast.

Really we had very good days and enjoy a lot   Thanks to everybody and we are looking for Summer school 2023!

Day 9 – Wednesday July 20th

A day with a lot of sun  After the classes,in the afternoon, we went to the forest to look for the Mendel rules  of genetic and in the evening we met Mendel in a very speciál “bojovka”


Day 8 -Tuesday July 19 th

We started our day with a scavenger hunt. In the afternoon we had the „Mendel Olympic Games“ and competed in six different disciplines. After that we had a big water fight. In the evening we had a dance party. Here are some photos from today:


Day 7 – Monday July 18th

Today we had a wonderfull day. We visited the castle of Zbiroh that it is a small city at around  15 km from sv. Dobrotivá. After that we took the bus till Horovice  for a whole afternoon in the swimming  pool. It was a amazing afternoom.

Tomorrow we will be back to our classes and regular program, but with a lot of news things.

Day 6- Sunday July 17th

Sunday was a day of rest, with some sport in the morning and a excursion to the coty of Olešna to visit a mini zoo. Before in our way to the town, Fr.Juan blesseda new Cross that the town of  Olešna restarured in this pilgrim way from Zaječov to Olešna. A small group of people were there and the major of the town prepared some refresment for us. We are so happy that we were there.

Then after dinner we went to sleep because at 2am we had a „bojovka“ night game . We went to sleep at around 3am, but it was so good.


Day 5 – Saturday July 16th

This morning we have  classes but also time to  see how a radio. transmitor work. A person  came to vist us with a special anten and we could talk with many people in  differents place around Zaječov.

In the afternoon, after the Mass in the Church, we had sports and watched a movie. After dinner Fr. Juan told us some stories about the visit of Mendel in sv. Dobrotiva in1863 and finally we played our favourite game “ sever proti jihu“. This year  our leader Kuba did not win after 6 years and were Bětka a Veronika the ones that won the game. It was almost 23:30 when we will go to sleep, but it is not a problem because tomorrow we wil get upo  a little later.


Day 4 – Friday July 15th

Today we had a wonderfull afternoon after the morning classes. We learn something about Mendel like a bee keeper and then we played a game all around sv.Dobrotiva.

Tomorrow it is Saturday but we will have in the monŕning classes instead of Monday when we will have  a all day excursion.

Day 3 – Thursday July 14th

This year in our summer school we have 3 teachers that spent, not only,  the whole morning with us: Hope, Ann and Ema. The three of them are from USA  and they are very good with us. Everyday we have fun with them. They have always ready not  only gramar lessons but also games, music, dance and it is very interesting.

With Ann, in the afternoon, we have also a worshop of drawing, because She knows draw very good. We are so happy with all our teachers.

Day 2 – Wednesday July 13th

We had morning gum.

After breakfast we had English  Fin classes.

After lunch we had interesting workshopy ( garden works, chemistry, music,drawing and making jewerely.

We enjoyed some sports like football and poratoball.

At least we enyoyed Mendel’ s education run. We are still alive!

Matilda a Jonáš

Day 1 – Tuesday July 12th

We all met at Hlavní nádraží. After traveling for two hours we finally arrived to the monastery. After dinner, the children were divided into four groups and then played a game in the forest. This year the theme of summer school will be . We are also joined by five children from Brno and two children from Prague who do not go to our school. In total there are thirty-eight of us. Tomorrow we will have the first day of school and then some more activities in the afternoon.

Here are some photos from today:

  • Poslední příspěvky

  • Nadcházející akce

    1. Konzultace 2. třídy

      Únor 24 @ 13:30 - Únor 25 @ 17:00
    2. Třídní schůzky 2. stupně

      Únor 25 @ 16:00 - 18:30
    3. Třídní schůzky GYMA

      Únor 26 @ 16:00 - 18:30
    4. Stáž studentů Alicante (8. třída)

      Březen 3 - Březen 10
    5. Setkání pedagogů

      Březen 3 @ 14:00 - 17:00

© 2020 MŠ, ZŠ a Gymnázium sv. Augustina