Friday 27.7.2018
The last day of our summer camp!. Inthe morningwe did the exam and then prepared for the performance taht we did in the afternoon. We reeived our certificate and the evaluation of our work and we have a game to find the secret corridor of the monastery. After that we have dinner and began to clean and prepared everythibg. Tomorrow after breakfast we will have Mass to thank God and then we will go back home.
The summer school was a very good experience for all of us. We are looking for the next summer school in 2019. Nice summer for all!
Thursday 26.7.2018
Yesterday night game was amazing. The elder of the camp were taken long way from the monastery and they came bach to the monasatery with all the task that thezy must do . Today they were very happy. For the younger the night game was at the monastery and they discovered a lot of new things.
Because of this game we got us late today and in the morning after he sport we have a game in which , by groups, we must find things around the monastery and do a „selfi“ with all the members of the group.
In the afternoon we had 4 classes of english preparing for the exam that we are going to do tomorrow. It will be the last day of this summer school 2018. After dinner we played some games (looking to discover a secret galery of the monastery) and then we watched the end of the movie Narnie.
Fotky summer school najdete zde.
Program na Friday 26.7.2018:
07:30 Wake Up time
07:45 Dress up and get ready
08:00 -Breakfast
08:30-09:15 1. Hour
09:20-10:05 2. Hour
10:05-10:35 Break/Snack
10:40 -11:25 3. Hour
11:30-12:15 4. Hour
12:30 Lunch
13:00-14:15 After-lunch break time
14:30-15:45 Performance and final formal Act
16:00 Snack
16:30 Sport
18:00 Showers
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Party
22:00 Bedtime
Wednesday 25.7.2018
Today was special because we spent the whole afternoon in the pool in Hořovice. Was a lot of fun! In the evening we watched the film Narnia and then we went to sleep. The leaders told us that we will have a night game, but I will tell you about it tomorrow.
Tuesday 24.7.2018
It was a very good day. We were tired because we went to sleep yesterday a little late. Today we celebrated also the birthday od David and Ben with a cake. We had the normal program and in the evening a nice game out side of the monastery. Today came to our summer our teacher Angelika. Tomorrow afternoon we will go to the pool!
Monday 23.7.2018
Today a normal day:classes in the morning and worshops and sports in the afternoon. In a worshop we started with the cration of a mosaic in the wall of the monasterz garden. You can see some photos in the galery. It is a very interesting work.The painting is of our teacher Linda and Fr. Juan helped us with the realization. In the evening we played in the garden of the monastery a very funny game: „East agaist West“. We went to sleep at around 23:30.
Sunday 22.7.2018
Today we got up a little late because yesterday we had some night games (very amaizing). After breakfast Fr. Juan told us that we will have a wlak excursion to strasice. We walked for 3 hours throught a nice forest and in strasice we visit some plces, then we had luch and played football and “ gladiator games“. Whe arrived at the monastery at around 5:00 pm just on time to take a shower and prepare for the Mass that today was in english. Then we had dinner and free time till 9:30 that we went to sleep. Tomorrow begin our second week of this summer. Also we received the new classmates that came for this second week.
Saturday 21.7.2017
In the morning we have 3 classes and an exam to evaluate what we have done during this week. In the afternoon, after the worshops, we have Mass in the church with the people of the village. Then almost 2 hour of sport. After we came back to the monastery started to rain and we have dinner inside in the monastery refectory. Then we watched a film in English (Diary of Wimpy Kid). We were in our beds at around 10 pm, because at night the leaders promised us that we were going to have a night game (bojovka). Tomorrow Sunday will be a free day and we are planning to have a trip to a misterious place around Dobrotiva. We will tell you about tomorrow. Have a nice Sunday!
Pátek 20.7.2018
Today was a very interesting day. In the morning we had normal classes and in the afternoon, after the workshops, we had the water olimpic games. A lot of differents games with water. At the end all of us we were wet. It was very funny!. After dinner the children prepared the program for the leaders and teachers. And then a prayer and sleep. Tomorrow we will have the first week exam and then games. On sunday we have a free daz without english!
Thursday 19.7.2018
Dnes ráno jsme začali s rozcvičkou. Poté jsme se šli učit. Po 4. hodinách učení byl oběd a pak odpolední klid. Pak jsme se dozvěděli jak funguje výsilání rozhlasovou stanice. Následovně jsme šli na výlet k přehradě. Po koupání přehradě jsme hráli hry. Dnešní večeře: smažení sýr s hranolky. (Dnešní redaktor: David Muzík)
Středa 18.7.2018
Today we have classes in the morning and worshops and sport in the afternoon. After dinner we went to the nearest forest for some games. It was very interesting. We came back at around 21:30 and then we went to sleep. Today was a very busy day. Tomorrow afternoon we will have an excursion.
Úterý 17.7.2018
Dneska byl den jako každý jiný. Rozvička, snídané, učení, oběd… Po celý den jsme měli hledat indicie, které nás měly dovést ke mnichovi s dlouhými vlasy, o kterém nám po večeři vypravěl O. Juan. Měli jsme ho potkat dneska, tak jsme se vydali na půdu, kde jsme se podepsali na specialnim listinu. Mimo to, jsme samozřejmě hráli sporty, byli jsme opravdu vyčerpaní. Ke večeri byl řízek! (Redaktorky: Fany a Bety). Zitra zpráva dne bude v angličtině!
Pondělí 16.7.2018
Dnes dopoledne jsme se měli 4 hodiny angličtiny. Rozdělení do 3. skupiny: Confessions s učitelkou Lindou, Soliloquies s Hope a The Happy life s P. Isabello. Po obědě byli dílny anebo workshopy: cooking, dance and painting. Pak sport: football a potato ball. Večer pršelo a jsme se hráli v klášteře. Těšíme se zítra.
Pondělí 16.7.2018
Dnes dopoledne jsme se měli 4 hodiny angličtiny. Rozdělení do 3. skupiny: Confessions s učitelkou Lindou, Soliloquies s Hope a The Happy life s P. Isabello. Po obědě byli dílny anebo workshopy: cooking, dance and painting. Pak sport: football a potato ball. Večer pršelo a jsme se hráli v klášteře. Těšíme se zítra.
Neděle 15.7.2018
Dnes od 17:00 hodin začali jsme summer school 2018: 35 děti, 3 učiteli a 3 vedoucí. Od začátku velmi dobrá nálada. Poznali jsme se, hráli jsme a procvičovali angličtinu. Od zítra ráno nás čeká zajímavý program a vše v angličtině
Summer school 2018
Naším cílem je zdokonalit si angličtinu a zároveň si užít hodně legrace v příjemném a výchovném prostředí.
Pokud Ti je mezi 8 a 14 lety, můžeš si procvičit angličtinu s dětmi, jako jsi ty.
Místo: Augustiniánský klášter ve sv. Dobrotivé- Zaječov
Datum: 15.7-28.7.2018
Projekt s názvem Šablony II OP PPR pro MŠ a ZŠ sv. Augustina, reg. číslo CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/19_071/0001693 je financován z Operačního programu Praha – pól růstu ČR. Projekt rozvíjí proinkluzivní prostředí v (MŠ/ZŠ) prostřednictvím podpory dětí/žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem a aktivit zaměřených na spolupráci s rodiči dětí/žáků.
Projekt s názvem Šablony OP PPR pro MŠ a ZŠ sv. Augustina, reg. číslo CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/19_071/0001693 je financován z Operačního programu Praha – pól růstu ČR. Projekt byl realizován v období od 1. 9. 2020 do 31. 8. 2022 a byl zaměřen na rozvoj proinkluzivního prostředí v MŠ/ZŠ prostřednictvím podpory dětí/žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem a aktivit zaměřených na spolupráci s rodiči dětí/žáků. V rámci projektu byly realizovány následující aktivity: dvojjazyčný asistent, projektová výuka, stáže pedagogických pracovníků, odborně zaměřená tematická setkávání a spolupráce s rodiči dětí ve školách, komunitně osvětová setkání.
© 2020 MŠ, ZŠ a Gymnázium sv. Augustina