Anglický jazyk

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Milan English June 2018

Milan English May 2018

Milan English April 2018

Milan English March 2018

Milan English February 2018

Milan English January 2018

Milan English December 2017

Milan English November 2017

Milan English October 2017

Our rules for English class

We have agreed to follow 4 rules so that our class time together is productive and enjoyable.

1. Be respectful

2. Be prepared

3. Participate

4. Work hard and try your best

Grades for English class

Grades have two components

  • 60% effort in class (preparation, participation, effort, behaviour)
  • 40% tests, quizzes, presentations, projects

English in September, Milan

Super Minds Level 3 Hello!

Children meet the characters in their textbook – Ben, Lucy, Buster the dog – the Explorers. They also meet the villains Horax and Zelda. They read a story about them.


  • verb + ing formation (do + ing = doing, write + ing = writing, swim + ing = swimming, play + ing = playing)
  • I am good at doing…
  • Numbers 0-100
  • Short vowels a, e, i, o, u


  • activities (playing the guitar, swimming, riding a horse/bike etc.)
  • family (basic plus aunt, uncle, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter)
  • upstairs, downstairs, cellar
  • our school – subjects
  • days of the week

Homework assignments

  • Summer object description and presentation
  • My family and me worksheet
  • Workbook p 6, 7, 9, 10
  • My favourite subject worksheet


  • Quiz September 26 (fill in short vowels, numbers, family members)


  • Poslední příspěvky

  • Nadcházející akce

    1. 6. třída – Invenio

      Prosinec 4 - Prosinec 6
    2. KPPP_Výchova k odpovědnosti_7. třída_Prevence šikanování

      Prosinec 4 @ 7:50 - 10:25
    3. Škola rodiny: Rozdílnost ve výchově dívek a chlapců

      Prosinec 4 @ 18:00 - 20:00
    4. Setkání prarodičů

      Prosinec 5 @ 14:00 - 17:00
    5. Sv. Mikuláš

      Prosinec 6 @ 8:00 - 17:00

© 2020 MŠ, ZŠ a Gymnázium sv. Augustina